Pro Bono
An important reason why I decided to open my own practice was that I wanted the flexibility to take on pro bono work on a regular basis. I understand that with the privilege of practicing law comes the responsibility to work for justice, and I take that responsibility seriously.
Illinois Supreme Court Rule 756(f) identifies four ways in which Illinois attorneys can perform pro bono service:
(1) Pro bono legal service includes the delivery of legal services or the provision of training without charge or expectation of a fee, as defined in the following subparagraphs:
(a) legal services rendered to a person of limited means;
(b) legal services to charitable, religious, civic, community, governmental or educational organizations in matters designed to address the needs of persons of limited means;
(c) legal services to charitable, religious, civic, or community organizations in matters in furtherance of their organizational purposes; and
(d) training intended to benefit legal service organizations or lawyers who provide pro bono services.
Part of my commitment to pro bono service is to participate in activities of all four types.
I also invite clients to contribute to my pro bono efforts by getting involved with the organizations I work with, or by making a tax deductible contribution to The Thomann Fund, which helps pay for fees and expenses associated with pro bono representation.
The links to the left will provide you with more information about specific areas of pro bono service. We invite you to navigate them, and to contact us for a free initial consultation about your case.