Emigration Law
As the world gets smaller, people find themselves moving from country to country for various reasons. Whether it is to rejoin family abroad, or because of a work or investment opportunity, the process by which a person can legally live and work abroad varies from country to country.
Emigration from the U.S. involves a variety of issues, such as treaties and agreements in force with the country in question, and the legal status in the U.S. of the person wishing to emigrate. By working locally with the relevant consular authorities, the process of emigrating can be simplified.
It is important to note that due to local and foreign regulations, emigration to foreign countries may require the retention of local counsel in the foreign country in question. It may still be beneficial to receive a prior assessment of the issues and requirements that may arise so that you may be better prepared as you allocate your resources. It may also be beneficial to have the assistance of a lawyer in the U.S. as you obtain and prepare the documentation that may be required of you.
We invite you to contact us for a free initial consultation about your case.